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The Mystery Of Missing Gold In Fort Knox Part 1

News & Tips

Published: July 10, 2021

Fort Knox.

The top-secret US depository that holds more than 147 million troy ounces of gold. Along with this are some of the most important items in our history as Americans. The signed original Constitution of the United States, Declaration of Independence, and Articles of Confederation are allegedly kept there.

Lincoln’s Second Inaugural Address, drafts of Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address, Gutenberg Bible, and an exemplified copy of Magna Carta are all stored in Fort Knox.

It also stores some of the most important gold coins in our history like the 1933 Double Eagle gold coins, a 1974-D aluminum penny, and twelve gold (22-karat) Sacagawea dollar coins that flew on the Space Shuttle Columbia.

Needless to say, Fort Knox holds our wealth, both the ones we can quantify – like gold- and the ones we can’t – like the declaration of independence.

The US decided to construct this depository in Kentucky, south of Louisville and north of Elizabethtown. Why? For security purposes. It is isolated, away from paths that invite traffic.

And with 30,000 soldiers, a surrounding minefield, Predator drones doing routine surveillance, and 20-ton vault doors – which no single person has a combination to – Fort Knox has never been robbed.

In fact, no one has even attempted to.

Now, there are many theories surrounding For Knox and we will discuss that in the next video but for now, I just want to call attention to the fact that Fort Knox was constructed to store gold.

All that planning, all the security, all the efforts, were done to protect the gold. Not diamonds, not sapphire – gold.

More importantly, President Richard Nixon officially took the country off the gold standard in 1971, so why is there still gold in Fort Knox?

As the former Director of the U.S. Mint, Chief of Staff for the U.S. Treasury Department, and Chairman of the Industry Council for Tangible Assets (ICTA), and President of U.S. Money Reserve, Philip N. Diehl is among the most qualified persons to provide such insight.

He said there are two reasons: support for the world economy and the simple politics of gold.

Gold is rare. Gold is valuable. Gold is now being discovered to be one of the most useful metals in the world.

This makes it the perfect standard of wealth. And the US government knows it.

He also added that The politics of gold are complicated, highly emotional, and very partisan. There’s no compelling reason to empty the vaults at Fort Knox and selling the gold would ignite political firestone.

SpaceX Gold is not into politics but we are into gold. And if the government deemed that gold is so important that they spent all this money to protect it then it’s worth looking into.

If our government and the government of other countries want it, you should too.

There are theories that Fort Knox contains a lot of other things in addition to gold and morphine… or, perhaps, nothing at all. Common debunked conspiracy theories include the beliefs that within the walls of Fort Knox include Jimmy Hoffa’s body, biological weapons like anthrax, and the remains of the Roswell aliens.

The most popular conspiracy theory, however, is the belief that all of the gold inside Fort Knox has been removed or sold off. This theory seems to have taken root in the logic that the government has no reason to store gold nowadays since our currency is no longer based on the gold standard. Dating back to the mid-1970s, the idea that Fort Knox was empty was first spread by a lawyer named Peter David Beter, who spent quite a bit of time working as counsel for the Export-Import Bank of the United States.

The theory that Fort Knox had been emptied out struck a chord with many Americans, leading to the U.S. Mint to allow a one-time tour of the depository. On September 23, 1974, Senator Walter Huddleston along with 12 other congressmen and 100 members of the press were granted access inside Fort Knox. The gold was reported to be present at the time, effectively squashing the conspiracy theory.

Over forty years later, this continues to be the one and only time that Fort Knox has been toured by members of the general public.

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